LEADERS AFTER GOD’S HEART MIN., INC has ministered to Godly leaders called to business, ministry and government since its beginning in 2003. President, Rev. Lisa Marie Ives has been a friend and supporter of those called onto the front lines of work defending the peace of mankind. “One of my most important meetings with the beginning of my call to those on the front lines began 20 years ago in a public school classroom when I was given a notice that parents could join teachers for prayer for the students, parents, and teachers. It is there I met the wife of a local police officer and our friendship that began in prayer has expanded into ministry and governmental work together to this day.”
Having someone close to you who is on the front lines of keeping peace reminds you how valuable peace in our homes, streets, nation and the world is. Also, being a minister of the Gospel of peace reminds me how fragile mankind is without a knowledge and personal experience with the God of Peace.
We look forward to offering our service of SAFE-T*L*C* for you, and your loved ones!
Ret. Police Officer Richard Tuttle
I was in law enforcement for approximately thirty years. I’ve been in the business of keeping people safe and making sure my partners and I go home at the end of the work day. Sometimes that task seemed overwhelming.
As a first responder I know the importance of constant training, both physically and mentally. This training gives you that edge of toughness to get through the challenges you have to face. One aspect of training that is usually overlooked is the spiritual component. We are three part beings: spirit, soul and body. Therefore not addressing the spiritual part leaves you open and vulnerable.
First responders and military personnel see humanity at its worst and if they don’t have a good support system the inhumanity they see can destroy them. All too often they will deal with these pressures in unhealthy ways; i.e. substance abuse, anti-social behavior, pornography and suicide.
I remember a few years ago when tragedy struck the police department. One of its officers decided to take his life. The department did an excellent job in getting professional help for most of its members. This incident opened up wounds which I had repressed from the loss of three of my partners killed in the line of duty at another agency.
I realized then my spirit man was not prepared to deal with the suicide of the officer because I had never dealt properly with the death of my partners. With the help from my pastor, Rev. Lisa Marie Ives, president and founder of Leaders After God’s Heart Ministries outreach “SAFE-TLC”, I was able come to terms with both incidents and was able to move on, letting go and letting God.
SAFE-TLC helps people protect and strengthen their spirit. SAFE-TLC does this by providing the front liners and their families with resources and personal ministry that empower them to be strong and therefore encourage those around them.
SAFE-TLC is another safety net out there ready to come alongside to support our first responders, military and, their families. Like I use to say when I was in law enforcement, “You can never have enough backup!”
May God Bless you
God and SAFE-TLC has your 6’s
Ret. Police Officer Richard Tuttle
If you or someone you know that is serving our country on the front lines would like our service of “SAFE-T L C” for you and your Loved Ones please contact us at: lisa@leadersaftergod.com and we will extend our hearts and hands of Careful equipping to YOU!