The Call

In February of 2000 I had a heavenly dream that changed the course of my life. I was driving my new gold van (which was symbolic of wisdom and my ministry) I proceeded along a HUGE bridge that stretched across miles and miles. It actually seemed never ending.

As I drove along this bridge it was breathtaking to me on the inside yet I sensed up ahead that something was wrong with the bridge as though it was either severely broken or it was a draw bridge and that I should slow down which I did and I eventually stopped.  I got out of my van and walked to the edge of the bridge, and to my utter amazement the bridge had been completely broken and therefore there was no way to drive across it to get to the other side where people were in High rise buildings.

As I stood upon the bridge I could see down below people walking.  Not a lot of people, but somehow I knew they were Christians and they were fulfilling their destiny, very focused and working hard.  There were no man made roads down below and there was water under the bridge so, I had this thought, “Since there was water at this level under the bridge, I don’t want to drive my new van across this it may ruin it”.  Then a woman who was walking along suddenly stopped and she began to tell me step by step, specifically how to get to the other side just like someone who knew all the mechanics of a vehicle (because she used mechanical terms to describe how to get across).  I thought as she spoke, that sounds like a lot of work, but just as I thought that she said, “You can do it!” and I woke up.

I was overwhelmed with the reality of this dream, yet was filled with such desire to fulfill it and said, “Lord, what was that about?”  He then said, “Are you willing to be a bridge-builder in the Body of Christ?  Are you willing to go across denominational lines, business lines, and governmental lines to repair broken places in their hearts and bring my people into the fullness of what I have for them, even if it’s hard work?”  I immediately yielded my heart and said, “Yes, Lord!”

The rest is history and supernatural in it's unfolding.  For in 2001 I met the woman in the dream who flew from Washington D.C. to hold meetings and became my mentor.  In 2003, she ordained me (through Prophetic Ministries) into the five-fold ministry.  I then incorporated LEADERS AFTER GOD’S HEART MINISTRIES, INC. based in California.

Have you received your heavenly call from God and are YOU ready to answer your heavenly call from GOD?  We’re here to help you!  Rev. Lisa Marie Ives

Just as the Apostle Paul said, “I have not been disobedient to the heavenly vision”, we at LEADERS AFTER GOD’S HEART MINISTRIES, INC.  have been obedient to our heavenly vision as “bridge-builders”